Thank you for your interest in registering for lessons with Mustang Spirit Horsemanship! I look forward to helping you achieve your horsemanship goals!

Please review the subscription options and lesson time slot availability below and submit a booking request when you are ready to schedule.



Monthly Subscription (4 lessons)

  • Four weeks of horsemanship lessons.

    LESSONS: 4 total lessons / 1 lesson per week with designated day and time held for the student within the subscription timeline

    A student page with an at-a-glance subscription status, schedule, goals summary, and lesson log will also become available at the time of booking!

    Subscription Timeline: 35 days (all lessons purchased as part of this subscription must be used within this timeline to avoid forfeiture of the unused lessons)

    (Additional lessons may be purchased a la carte for use within the subscription period upon request and availability.)

  • $240 Total / ($60 per lesson)

  • Additional Single Lessons: $60 per lesson

    Additional Weekly Lessons: $200 per 4 lessons

    (A la carte items may be purchased based on availability only.)

  • $240 : payment to hold the lesson time slot (+sum of any a la carte items selected for use within the subscription timeline)

    A la carte items may be added at any time during the subscription period! Payment for these lessons are due at the time these lessons are booked. Booking of single lessons requires the purchase of a subscription.

    Payment for renewal of lessons is due at the time of completion of the final pre-purchased lesson. Changes to subscription level may be made at the time of renewal if desired. Your designated time slot will be held until the end of your subscription timeline. If lesson subscription renewal is not completed before the end of your subscription timeline, your designated time slot will be forfeited and new subscription registration will be required based on availability at that time.

  • Multiple Student Discount:

    Lesson families booking two or more students during the same subscription period will receive a 10% discount for each studentā€™s subscription. (Available to immediate family members within the same household.)

    Lesson Referral Discount:

    Lesson students whose referrals have booked a lesson subscription will receive a $40 credit towards their next subscription payment.

    Dakota Stables Boarder Discount:

    Current Dakota Stables boarders may deduct $5 from the per-lesson price for all lessons purchased at the time of subscription.

Bi-Monthly Subscription (8 lessons)

  • Eight weeks of horsemanship lessons.

    LESSONS: 8 total lessons / 1 lesson per week with designated day and time held for the student within the subscription timeline

    A student page with an at-a-glance subscription status, schedule, goals summary, and lesson log will also become available at the time of booking!

    Subscription Timeline: 65 days (all lessons purchased as part of this subscription must be used within this timeline to avoid forfeiture of the unused lessons)

    (Additional lessons may be purchased a la carte for use within the subscription period upon request and availability.)

  • $440 Total / ($55 per lesson)

  • Additional Single Lessons: $55 per lesson

    Additional Weekly Lessons: $200 per 4 lessons

    (A la carte items may be purchased based on availability only.)

  • $440 : payment to hold the lesson time slot (+sum of any a la carte items selected for use within the subscription timeline)

    A la carte items may be added at any time during the subscription period! Payment for these lessons are due at the time these lessons are booked. Booking of single lessons requires the purchase of a subscription.

    Payment for renewal of lessons is due at the time of completion of the final pre-purchased lesson. Changes to subscription level may be made at the time of renewal if desired. Your designated time slot will be held until the end of your subscription timeline. If lesson subscription renewal is not completed before the end of your subscription timeline, your designated time slot will be forfeited and new subscription registration will be required based on availability at that time.

  • Multiple Student Discount:

    Lesson families booking two or more students during the same subscription period will receive a 10% discount for each studentā€™s subscription. (Available to immediate family members within the same household.)

    Lesson Referral Discount:

    Lesson students whose referrals have booked a lesson subscription will receive a $40 credit towards their next subscription payment.

    Dakota Stables Boarder Discount:

    Current Dakota Stables boarders may deduct $5 from the per-lesson price for all lessons purchased at the time of subscription.

Seasonal Subscription (16 lessons)

  • Sixteen weeks of horsemanship lessons.

    LESSONS: 16 total lessons / 1 lesson per week with designated day and time held for the student within the subscription timeline

    A student page with an at-a-glance subscription status, schedule, goals summary, and lesson log will also become available at the time of booking!

    Subscription Timeline: 125 days (all lessons purchased as part of this subscription must be used within this timeline to avoid forfeiture of the unused lessons)

    (Additional lessons may be purchased a la carte for use within the subscription period upon request and availability.)

  • $840 Total / ($52.50 per lesson)

  • Additional Single Lessons: $52.50 per lesson

    Additional Weekly Lessons: $200 per 4 lessons

    (A la carte items may be purchased based on availability only.)

  • $840 : payment to hold the lesson time slot (+sum of any a la carte items selected for use within the subscription timeline)

    A la carte items may be added at any time during the subscription period! Payment for these lessons are due at the time these lessons are booked. Booking of single lessons requires the purchase of a subscription.

    Payment for renewal of lessons is due at the time of completion of the final pre-purchased lesson. Changes to subscription level may be made at the time of renewal if desired. Your designated time slot will be held until the end of your subscription timeline. If lesson subscription renewal is not completed before the end of your subscription timeline, your designated time slot will be forfeited and new subscription registration will be required based on availability at that time.

  • Multiple Student Discount:

    Lesson families booking two or more students during the same subscription period will receive a 10% discount for each studentā€™s subscription. (Available to immediate family members within the same household.)

    Lesson Referral Discount:

    Lesson students whose referrals have booked a lesson subscription will receive a $40 credit towards their next subscription payment.

    Dakota Stables Boarder Discount:

    Current Dakota Stables boarders may deduct $5 from the per-lesson price for all lessons purchased at the time of subscription.

Semi-Annual Subscription (24 lessons)

  • Twenty-four weeks of horsemanship lessons.

    LESSONS: 24 total lessons / 1 lesson per week with designated day and time held for the student within the subscription timeline

    A student page with an at-a-glance subscription status, schedule, goals summary, and lesson log will also become available at the time of booking!

    Subscription Timeline: 185 days (all lessons purchased as part of this subscription must be used within this timeline to avoid forfeiture of the unused lessons)

    (Additional lessons may be purchased a la carte for use within the subscription period upon request and availability.)

  • $1,240 Total / ($51.67 per lesson)

  • Additional Single Lessons: $50 per lesson

    Additional Weekly Lessons: $200 per 4 lessons

    (A la carte items may be purchased based on availability only.)

  • $1,240 : payment to hold the lesson time slot (+sum of any a la carte items selected for use within the subscription timeline)

    A la carte items may be added at any time during the subscription period! Payment for these lessons are due at the time these lessons are booked. Booking of single lessons requires the purchase of a subscription.

    Payment for renewal of lessons is due at the time of completion of the final pre-purchased lesson. Changes to subscription level may be made at the time of renewal if desired. Your designated time slot will be held until the end of your subscription timeline. If lesson subscription renewal is not completed before the end of your subscription timeline, your designated time slot will be forfeited and new subscription registration will be required based on availability at that time.

  • Multiple Student Discount:

    Lesson families booking two or more students during the same subscription period will receive a 10% discount for each studentā€™s subscription. (Available to immediate family members within the same household.)

    Lesson Referral Discount:

    Lesson students whose referrals have booked a lesson subscription will receive a $40 credit towards their next subscription payment.

    Dakota Stables Boarder Discount:

    Current Dakota Stables boarders may deduct $5 from the per-lesson price for all lessons purchased at the time of subscription.

Iā€™m ready to book lessons!